Senin, 17 November 2008

Renang Sekali Langsung Colaps

Lama banget gak renang, minggu kemarin nyobain renang. Pagi-pagi udah nyemplung, tapi yahh ga bertahan lama, ngos-ngosan ternyata coz ga pernah olahraga selama ini hikz...

Gak mpe bertahan 1 jam udah mentas, awalnya pusing biasa, tapi lama-lama kok?? hmm keterusann.... akhirnya mpe sekarang pusing nya belum ilang-ilang juga.. duh pengen sehat dengan berolahraga pagi ko malah jadi colaps yah :(

Minggu, 16 November 2008

Facial Surgeon

Facial Paralysis can be caused by many things, such as trauma because of a vehicle collision. Micro-surgery can help the nerve alive and back into play. This condition needs the micro-surgery ordered procedures as soon as possible. The immediate nerve repair for some cases like tumor resection, trauma or facelift procedures should be done as soon as possible. Or if the patient needs more time, it can be done within 3 months or in other study 6 months after injury. So the patient will get the best possible chance for recovery of facial function.

The Facial Paralysis Institute is the best facility in the nation for the treatment of facial paralysis. The Director of Facial Paralysis Institute, Dr. Babak Azizzadeh, is committed to the treatment of facial paralysis and Bell's Palsy. The Facial Paralysis Institute helps the patients that need Facial Paralysis Surgery and Facial Nerve Retaining and Therapy.
Nowadays, the medical advances, micro surgery, has gave benefits for many people. But not every surgeon is qualified to perform such surgeries. Take an instance, the surgeon should recreate the face and make a scar as small as possible, reanimating, or reconnecting a nerve. All needs the highly trained micro surgeons.

Sabtu, 15 November 2008

MP4 dengan syarat........

capek dech...ada yang mau belikan aku MP4 tapi pakai syarat segala....harus posting....mana lagi ga ada inspirasi?!MP4 yang bagus itu kayak apa sih??memang sih MP4 cuman untuk hiburan,tapi lumayan lah buat hiburan bagi karyawan seperti aku ,seminggu bekerja melepas penat sambil dengerin lagu favorite gitu di MP4.tapi lepas dari semua itu,aku mau berterima kasih deh buat someone yang udah baik banget mau nurutin kemauanku....aku sayang banget sama someone itu......

Rabu, 12 November 2008

Best Holiday Destination

When you are have holiday times, may be you have several kinds of plans to spend your holiday time. Most of people may be include you, will spend your holiday with pleasure time. You can go hiking, shopping, or even go traveling. One traveling plan that may attract you is going overseas. However, there is a lot of amazing international holiday destination in the other countries. There are also several types of destination that just make you confused to choose one that match with your plan.

If you want to look for one international holiday destination that provides you with unique and unforgettable moment, you can find out all of them in This site offers you with several types of beautiful Nicaragua real estate. In this site, you can found and get full information about real estate in Nicaragua or even information about Nicaragua itself.

Beside of that, this site provides you with unique and interesting information about Nicaragua hotels. One of hotels that provided in this site is La Posada Azul hotel. This hotel offers you with lots of features that will impress you in spending your holiday. More than that, this site also provides you with Nicaragua condominiums.

Selasa, 11 November 2008

Kerja dan Kost

Harus kah vera nge kost lagi?
Atau kah musti tinggal di rumah dengan tanggung jawab mengurus rumah?

Kasih masukan anda =))

by. rado :p